Cryptocurrency vs. Cashless Society

October 21, 2021

Cryptocurrency vs. Cashless Society

In recent times, cryptocurrencies have become a popular topic of discussion among many individuals. The concept of digital currency has been around for quite some time, but with the advent of blockchain technology, the rise of cryptocurrencies has become inevitable. However, even with the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, there is still a lingering question of whether they are better than a cashless society. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at each and do a fact-based comparison.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that is secured through cryptography. It operates independently of a central bank and uses a decentralized system to process transactions. Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was introduced in 2009, and since then, many other cryptocurrencies have been developed, such as Ethereum and Litecoin. To buy or sell cryptocurrencies, people use online exchanges where they can buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrency.

What is a Cashless Society?

A cashless society is a type of economic system in which all transactions are done electronically. The idea behind a cashless society is to eliminate the need for physical cash, which can reduce criminal activities and provide citizens with a more convenient payment option. In a cashless society, transactions can be done through mobile banking, credit cards, debit cards, and online transfers.

Advantages of Cryptocurrency

One of the advantages of cryptocurrency is that it is decentralized. It is not controlled by any government or centralized institution, reducing the risk of political interference. Additionally, transactions can be processed faster as cryptocurrency is not held up by banking systems. Transactions are also more secure as they are processed through blockchain technology, and the possibility of fraud is minimal due to encryption. Finally, cryptocurrency can act as a hedge against inflation, offering an alternative to traditional currencies.

Advantages of a Cashless Society

In a cashless society, transactions can be made instantly, thus increasing the speed and efficiency of transactions. It can reduce the risk of theft and fraud as transactions are digitized, making it easier to track and trace any criminal activities. Additionally, it can help to reduce the cost associated with the printing, distribution, and storage of physical currency.

Drawbacks of Cryptocurrency

One of the main drawbacks of cryptocurrency is that it is not widely accepted as a payment method. Only a few retailers accept cryptocurrencies, making it difficult for individuals to use them for everyday purchases. Additionally, the value of cryptocurrencies can be volatile, making it a risky investment option.

Drawbacks of a Cashless Society

One of the drawbacks of a cashless society is that it could lead to social exclusion, as not everyone has access to electronic payment methods. This could result in further income inequality. Also, a cashless society relies heavily on technological infrastructure, which could be vulnerable to hacking, power outages, or other technical malfunctions.


In conclusion, both cryptocurrency and a cashless society have their pros and cons. Cryptocurrency offers a decentralized and secure method of payment, but it is not widely accepted as a payment method, and it is a volatile investment option. A cashless society offers a fast and efficient payment system that is safer, but it could lead to social exclusion and rely too much on technology.

It is difficult to determine which of the two is best for society. What we can do, though, is to explore the possible advantages and disadvantages of each and evaluate the most suitable option. A blend of both may be a way to find balance to adapt to the fast-changing world of technology.


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